Thursday, 30 January 2014

All The Wiser

After putting it off for months on end, I finally had one of my wisdom tooth removed. I've never known somebody else having to remove it when they're just 20 - most people I know, like cousins, only had theirs removed in their early 30s.

The entire process made me nervous, especially since stitches were involved and while I'm not scared of needles, I am scared of stitches! Nevertheless it was done, the extraction took about half an hour, which was much quicker than expected. Recovery however took longer and it was more the inconvenience that was annoying to deal with than the pain.

In fact, I'm still 'recovering' from it now, it's been exactly one week, and the self-dissolving stitches are still there but will be gone in another half a week or so!

My mood had been fairly down because of it, since I couldn't eat as much as I wanted as quick as I wanted because of the healing gum. It was lifted though when these came in the mail, which I snagged for $8 on eBay. It's a snug fit, since I purchased a size 39 under the Asian standards rather than US one. It does fit very well though, and I am very pleased with it!

The shoes and the cute little cartoon-like faces are supposed to be of Boston Terriers. They also come in a cute cat version. Being a dog-lover though, I picked the Boston Terriers.

On the note of dogs, mine is next on the list for dental surgery. He needs to have two of his teeth extracted, since it's been put off for too long. He's a bit of a scaredy-cat, so hopefully he'll do fine!

On a side note, I'm just writing up the continuation of the terrarium post. My plant arrived early (and in very good condition!) so I'll be posting that soon!

See you in the next post!


  1. Super cute flats! I had my wisdom teeth removed in December and I'm 20 years old. My experience was worse though - my body reacts poorly to the sedation drugs they used on me so I woke up extremely nauseated instead of "carefree and drugged" haha.

    1. Wow, you're the first I know to have it removed at around that age! I was put under minor anaesthetic but I did feel pretty sick. I'd rather be nauseated though, there's some videos going viral of people after wisdom tooth extractions, 'carefree and drugged' that are super funny but also embarrassing!

  2. Eek. I haven't gotten my wisdom teeth removed and I hope I don't (I can see them almost about to come out in the xrays, but hopefully they won't be too much of a bother). I'm the opposite of you I'm more scared of needles than stitches. I hope you get better soon, take care.

    1. I know a few whose xrays show that their wisdom tooth is coming out, but they don't actually end up coming out even years later! I hope that's the case for you - getting them extracted is no fun at all!

  3. Nice flats! Ohh man sorry about the wisdom teeth situation, hope you heal up soon. I had my two bottom ones taken out when I was 18 because my doctors told me that they would cause infection if I kept them in. The extraction literally took 20 minutes, 5 minutes for one, and then 15 minutes for the other haha. I didn't get any stitches and I was under local anesthesia, they just gave me some antibiotics to avoid infection, tylenol, and some gauze. The next few days I got sick with a cold haha, but I ended up completely healed in a week. As for my upper wisdom teeth, they both came in but my dentist didn't say it was necessary to take them out. I hope that's till the case when I go for an appointment =S

    1. It sounds like we went through similar procedures! The only annoying this is that more than a week on and the hole in my gum isn't fully closed, so I'm constantly worrying that food might slip in and such! I hope your upper ones don't cause any problem - I find the extraction pretty okay, but the healing process is a pain to deal with (maybe that's because of the stitches though!)
